Digital training systems

OBRTrain platform

The OBRTrain platform is an innovative tool developed by OBRUM and designed to set up interactive applications/systems to teach design principles and operation rules for battlefield equipment and to present technical parameters of it (including the forms of remote access) and also provided with the embedded functionality to manage a cycle of specialized trainings.

The application enables development of the following types of trainings systems:
• Virtual training simulators – for trainings on technical maintenance and troubleshooting,
• Systems for teaching operation of human-machine interfaces (HMI) components (e.g. control panels, power supply switchgears, etc.),
• Troubleshooting and maintenance applications.

The offered software is compatible with the WindowsTM 8 operating system (and later ones) whilst the options designed for e-learning enable use of the majority of popular web browsers (commonly available).
Software applications to be developed and delivered by OBRUM may be based on an e-learning platform, which allow users to run remote trainings. An instructor can use a computer with the access to a database to assign selected segments of training courses to individual attendees. Therefore trainees are able to learn prescribed information according to the assigned sequence and scope. Each training package can be combined with a mandatory test or a drill to verify the acquired knowledge or skills. The system is furnished with the option of automatic grading and crediting, thus instructors get rid of time consuming and tedious duties. Instructors can view training results at any moment of a training course, provided that they are logged into the system.
Key components of applications developed on grounds of the OBRTrain platform are 3D models of equipment components, reproduced with details and accuracy, whilst operations on these models constitute the main functionality of the software. Users are able to carry out complex interactions (e.g. maintenance operations) on a virtual device or machine. Spatial geometry of models that are used in applications is an imitation on such a level of detailing that these models enable getting familiar with the design of equipment and its key functionalities. The quality of model imaging can be artificially ‘worsened’ upon individual settlements with a specific customer (e.g. for protection of intellectual properties or know-how). 3D models are grouped into corresponding structures and not only can be displayed as graphic images but also they can be browsed on the tree-shaped structure with specification of individual subsystems and components. The underlying assumption for trainings provided with the use of training applications is to make trainees familiar with specific features of equipment, its operation and maintenance as early as before the first contact with a real object. Implementation of such digital instruments into training processes is aimed at the following objectives:
• improve safety of maintenance operations to be taught,
• improve efficiency of trainings with cutting the training expenses down,
• enabling execution of initial or periodical (refreshing) trainings without access to real equipment,
• increase equipment reliability owing to correct maintenance and repair procedures,
• improve attractiveness of trainings with enhancement of knowledge and skills acquired by trainees.